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9th June 2017 / Wellbeing /

Adeline de Monseignat

          ‘Moonkissed’, 2014

My drawings are an inevitable extension of my sculptural practice that enables a better understanding of the composition and conversation between the various present elements. Translating a drawing into a print takes that research from the 2D to 3D – and vice versa – even further. By taking a drawing for my ‘Home’ installation as a starting point (solo show at Ronchini in 2014) , my print came to life in several stages mainly comprising line etching, aquatint and working from dark to light. These techniques have brought to my attention the importance of subtlety and the role of light. Gently sunk in their mattress and wrapped in their bedsheets, my ‘creaptures’ seem gently kissed by the peeking moonlight, while a grainy greyness invades the darker corners of their ‘incubedroom’. This is a window into their quiet intimacy. ‘Every print has a noise’, says Vincenzo from Il Bisonte. In believing so, I imagine ‘Moonkissed’ to let gentle mattress spring sounds and a soothing summer breeze emerge.



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